Syllabi (Click the image to download)
Derek Newman-Stille:
"Werewolves as Symbols of the Human Experience" (English First-Year Seminar Syllabus)
Debra Best:
"The Monsters of Medieval England" (Article and Course Outline from Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Teaching)
Joseph Nagy:
"The Monstrous and the Marvelous in Myth" (Undergraduate Medieval English Syllabus)
Karma de Gruy:
"Monsters in Literature" (Writing Syllabus)
Asa Simon Mittman:
"Art History Issues, Monsters & the Monstrous" (Undergraduate Art History Syllabus)
Nancy McLoughlin: "History 70B: Problems in European History, Monsters and Borders"
(History Syllabus)
Diane Cady: "Monster Theory" (Undergraduate English Literature & Theory Syllabus)
Larissa "Kat" Tracy: "Monstrous Medievalisms: Misappropriations of the Middle Ages" (Undergraduate Medieval Studies Syllabus)
Renée Ward:
"Violence, Identity, and Change: The Werewolf Renaissance of the 12th Century"
Renée Ward:
"Humans, Monsters and Machines: Culture and Identity, Medieval to Modern" (Undergraduate Medieval Literature & Medievalisms Syllabus)